Western Districts

Water Lodges

Water Lodges 50th Anniversary

25th Anniversary
40th Anniversary
50th Anniversary
75th Anniversary
85th Anniversary



After the 1914 - 1918 War, Freemasonry in Scotland was flourishing consequently the existing Lodges could not cope with the number of applicants wishing to join the Craft.
In the year 1920 no less than 35 new lodges were Consecrated, with charters being granted by the Grand Lodge of Scotland, with 30 Lodges at home, (9 in Glasgow) and 5 overseas.

It is a significant fact that Lodge Kelvin Partick, was the first to be granted a charter on the 5th February 1920. The seeds for this were sown on the 30th April 1919, when Partick St Mary's Lodge (No. 117) held a meeting where 54 E.A.'s were passed to the Fellow Craft Degree. A number of brethren attending that meeting decided that another Lodge in Partick was necessary. Now 86 years later we pay tribute to those far-seeing brethren who worked so enthusiastically and diligently to form our Lodge.

The Consecration. Election and Installation of Office-bearers took place on Tuesday 23 March 1920 in the Partick Burgh ( Large) Hall , The ceremony was carried out by Bro. Alexander Archibald Hagart Spiers of Elderslie. D.L. J.P., Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of Glasgow assisted by Provincial Grand Lodge Office-bearers. Thus was born ''Lodge Kelvin Partick No 1207". on the roll of the Grand Lodge Scotland. Our two sponsor Lodges are Partick St Mary's Lodge (No 117) and Lodge St John Whiteinch (No 683)

The Lodge had 61 Founder members represented 27 different Lodges, with 9 of these brethren eventually occupying the chair of the Lodge. The Charter Master was Bro. Robert Watson M.M. Lodge St John Operative Rutherglen (No 347) and Partick St Mary's Lodge (No 117). Bro. Alex Young W.S.W., Bro James Stewart W.J.W., and Bro. William Lauderdale P.M. (No 117) Secretary. Of the 61 F.M.'s. only 2 were Past Masters. Bro. Wm. Lauderdale and Bro. Peter M. Duff (elected as organist). 26 of the Founder Members were from Partick St Mary's Lodge (No 117)

The brethren worked very hard, often doing 2 degrees on the one night. From the Consecration in March until the A.G.M. in November. 13 Regular and 11 Special meetings were held with 89 candidates initiated. The following year 22 Regular and 11 Special meetings were held and the number of entrants 101. The average attendance for the first 9 months was 9l and for the first full year 1920-21 averaged 100.

It was the ambition of the founder members to have a home of their own and a Building Fund was started with plans made to buy a house in Hamilton Crescent (now Fortrose St). Unfortunately Bro. Robert Watson who was the driving force behind this venture, passed away and the idea was shelved. This was followed by the depression which affected everyone, but the loyalty, zeal and enthusiasm of old and new members kept the Lodge going at a time when it might have ceased to exist.

Our first Initiate Master was Bro. James Gibb who joined the Lodge on the 8th of March 1921 and became Master in 1930 / 1931. His reputation as a ceremonial worker was settled to none and well known throughout the Province. Also initiated at the same time were Bro. Jas McIIree and Bro. John Young Cuthbert. both eventually being Installed into chairs of their adopted Lodge's in Australia and Canada respectfully. Bro. William Lauderdale P.M. who was our first Secretary carried out his duties for l9 years. setting a high standard for those who followed him. Bro. Charley Kettles P.M. served 6 years, Bro. Thos S Cameron P.M. 23 years, Bro, Stuart W Kenndedy P.M. 7 years. Bro. George Marshall P.M. 5 years. Bro. Duncan MacKenzie P.M. 11 years, and now Bro. Gavin Lawson P.M. 4 years.

Another brother who left his mark was Bro. George Rankine was Benevolent Fund Treasurer. It was his ambition to have £1000 in the Benevolent Fund, this was achieved by the time he demitted office in 1940.

1939 came the Second World War and once again the loyalty of the members kept things going through trying times. The meetings carried on even during air raids, and were never cancelled. The brethren's faith in a new future paid off, when after the War there was once again a demand for membership of the Lodge.

In 1942 there was 40 Initiates. 1943-(69), 1945-(63), 1946-(62), then it started to level off to about 30 per year. This was held for about 16 years until l962 when numbers started to drop.

The 25th Anniversary of the lodge was celebrated in l945 and by a happy co-incidence Bro. Malcolm McPhail Watson, the son of the Charter Master Bro. Robert Watson, occupied the chair. During that year the average attendance shot up from 102 to l93. At the Installation of Office-Bearers Bro. William S.M . MacDougall S.S. presented to the Lodge, a Volume of the Sacred Law from himself and his brother, in memory of their father Bro. John MacDougall had been in office for many years (he reached Senior Deacon before his death)

1946 an association started with Lodge Troon Navigation (No 86) still which exists. In 1952 the first meeting of what was to become known as ''The Water Lodges'' took place in Troon. The Lodges involved were:- Lodge Troon Navigation No 86, Lodge Clyde No 408. Lodge Neptune No 419 and Lodge Kelvin Partick No 1207. The title because of their association with sea or rivers. Each Lodge taking it in turn to act as host to the other 3 Lodges.

In February 1947 we paid tribute those brethren who had served in H.M. Forces during the War by inviting them to a inviting then to a Welcome Home Social, which was held in the Large Partick Burgh Hall, approximately 300 brethren and guests attended (Bro. John Gibson was (Master). This event set the pattern for out 'At Home' which we held for a few years.

The activities of our members were not confined to our Lodge. Many of the brethren playing an important part in the formation of various Lodges in the Province. They occupied chairs of Lodges at home and overseas, among these being Lodge Knightswood (No l445), with Lodge Kelvin Partick as one of the sponsor Lodges. At Lodge Sir William Wallace (No 1504), Bro. William C Cook P.M. was their Charter Master. The record of our members is something we should be proud of today's always remembering that the foundation was laid. In Lodge Kelvin Partick.

saw the formation of the Western District Lodges and the first Joint Meeting of the then 6 Lodges in our area, when the six Reigning Masters made Masonic History by conferring the Master Mason Degree. Lodge Thistle & Rose (No73), Partick St Mary's Lodge (No 117), Lodge St John Whiteinch (No 683), Lodge Kelvin Partick (No 1207), Lodge Western (No 1346) and Lodge Knightswood ( No 1445). The Degree was carried out under our R.W.M. Bro. George Marshall in the Large Burgh Hall, with the Provincial Grand Master Bro. Dr. A. Anderson McMillan and a deputation from Provincial being present.

On the 26 May of that year we had our first ever Joint Social event with a cruise to Rothesay and the Kyles of Bute. When the paddle steamer ''Jeannie Deans'' was chartered. We left Bridge Wharf at 9.30 am with over 900 brethren and friends on board, arriving at Rothesay about 12.l5 pm for lunch and then either sports for the children or a cruise around the Kyles. After leaving Rothesay at 5.30pm we had tea on board and music all the way home a memorable day for all who attended.

1957 was the start of a new era for the Lodge, with the exemplification and conferring of Degrees by brethren from overseas:- America and Belgium and the visitation of brethren from 1207 to Canada, New Jersey, Virginia. Pennsylvania, Bahamas, Ireland and Belgium. That year two groups of brethren from New Jersey U.S.A. visited Scotland, Lodge Kelvin Partick played host to the Masonic Kilties of New Jersey and the Scottish Compass Club ''Tuxudo Team''. At each meeting we had an attendance of 590 brethren in the Large Burgh Hall, both teams received a tremendous reception.

In 1958 Bro. George Marshall P.M. and Bro. Robert P. Waddell (Bible Bearer) were members of the first ever Masonic Deputation to visit America and Canada, with the Glasgow Compass Travel Association when they visited Niagara Falls, Toronto, Montreal, Philadelphia, Virginia and Washington DC. In all six M.M. Degrees were exemplified by a team from Lodge Glasgow at Glasgow (No 441).

1960 was our 40th Anniversary when we had a presentation Dinner for Bro. James Gibb P.M. (Senior Chaplain) and Bro. Thos. S. Cameron P.M. (Secretary). in recognition of 25 continuous years of service to the Lodge. Bro. Ernest Noakes Provincial Grand Master made the presentations.

During July 1962 Bro. George Marshall P.M. headed a deputation to Paterson New Jersey U.S.A. where under the auspices of Lodge Kelvin Partick a team exemplified the Master Mason Degree in Lodge Clifton (No 203) F&AM. Seven hundred American brethren witnessed the Degree in which members of the Lodge played leading parts. Bro. James Gibb P.M . then 78 years of age received a spontaneous ovation for his work.

In September 1963 Bro. George F.W. Waddell R.W.M . headed a deputation to Colraine in Northern Ireland when the M.M. Degree was exemplified in the Albert Edward Lodge, the team all being Senior Office-bearers of Lodge Lodge Kelvin Partick.

During August 1964 we had a visit from the Virginian Craftsman from Highland Springs Virginia U.S.A., when a dramatised Third Degree was exemplified.

In 1965 Bro. Robert P. Waddell who was Master of the Lodge 1964-65 was once again in a deputation to America and took part in the ceremonial work in Norfolk Lodge (No l) and Babcock Lodge (No 322) Virginia.

Bro. George Marshall P.M. was Installed R.W.M. for the second time in December 1969, this was the start of our Jubilee year l970.

The 50th Anniversary Celebrations took place on Tuesday 24 March in the Partick Burgh (Mid Hall). New Regalia was dedicated by Bro. Rev. David Barr. B.D. Moderator of the Presbytery of Glasgow. 50 years diplomas were presented to Bro. Alexander Young P.M . and Bro. David Donaldson. Bro. Young who was the first Senior Warden took over as W.S.W. to assist the Master in closing the Lodge as he done 50 years previously. At the Anniversary Dinner which followed the usual loyal toasts were ably given and suitably replied to. Another happy evening was brought to a close by singing together 'Auld Lang Syne'.

On Sunday 5 April, a Divine Service was held in St Mary's Church. Peel Street when Bro. Rev. John M. Stewart Provincial Grand Chaplain conducted the service. The Choir from Lodge Buchan St John Broxburn came through to Glasgow and delighted all present with their singing.

As part of our Jubilee Celebrations. 30 odd Senior Members. their wives and widows were given a weeks holiday in Blackpool which was arranged by Bro.Weir of Weirs Tours. We also had one of the largest deputation's in the Lodge for sometime, when the Edinburgh City Police Masonic team accompanied by members of the Glasgow Police team visited the Lodge and conferred the Master Mason Degree, followed by an excellent harmony.

During the 80's because of falling attendances, and the conditions imposed upon us by the, Halls Department. a decision was taken to revive our Building Fund, and again look at a home of our own. This fund was increased by several thousand pounds due to the efforts of our enthusiastic brethren. Over the following years offers were put in for various premises, but were out-bided by commercial developers, no doubt the brethren will continue to try and achieve this ambition.

At the Installation in December 1981 Bro. Wm. Burton P.M. Installed his son John into the chair of the Lodge, the first time that a father has Installed his son as R.W.M. in 1207.

In 1985 Bro. James Herd P.M. Benevolent Fund Treasurer organised a Pensioners outing. A bus to Girvan with a stop at Prestwick for morning coffee, lunch in Girvan and afternoon tea at Lodge Troon Navigation's Hall in Troon, a day enjoyed by all who took part.

During August 1986 the Masonic Kilties of New Jersey again visited Scotland and Lodge Kelvin Partick was one of the hosts. On the 6th August a Special Meeting was held in the McLellan Galleries, Sauchiehall St when the team that exemplified the Master Mason Degree Bro. Duncan R.Young P.M. was in the chair of the Lodge for his second time, Bro. Herbert Boyd Most Worshipful Past Grand Master of New Jersey was President of the Masonic Kilties. The meeting was attended by over 400 brethren including Bro. Wm. C. Sheperdson P.G.M. who headed the P.G.L. deputation along with Bro. Brian G, Brown Substitute Grand Master.

The following year 1987 the Lodge was again host to our American brethren, when on Tuesday 6th of October the Virginian Craftsman from Richmond Virginia attended a Special Meeting of our Lodge which was held in Couper Institute. Bro. Wm. Ross R.W.M. presiding. Bro. Allen E. Roberts P.M . President of his team in their grey and gold cavalry uniforms to exemplified the Master Mason Degree as conferred in George Washington's time. The ceremonial work was again appreciated by all brethren present.

In 1988 the Lodge had to move from the Partick Burgh Hall and eventually changed our meeting place to the Masonic Hall, Ardery St., we also had to change our meeting nights from the 2nd and 4th Tuesday to the 1st and 3rd Tuesday. September through to May.

Our first meeting took place in December when Bro. Richard Niven was Installed R.W.M. During his year his son Kevin a 'lewis' was initiated into the Lodge. This was the first time a Master had his son initiated during his term of office. Kevin's First Degree was confered upon him by the Seven Masters of the Western District Lodges Association.

The connection with the Lodges in Belgium,- Allegiance No 1465. and Wellington No 1385 - commenced about 1980. In 1984 Bro. George Marshall was appointed Proxy Master of Lodge Allegiance and in 1992 Bro.Gavin Lawson Proxy Master of Lodge Wellington. On Tuesday 2nd August 1990 at a Special Meeting of the Lodge brethren from both Allegiance and Wellington conferred an Entered Apprentice Degree. The Ceremonial work was of the highest standard . The two Lodges were again back in Scotland in 1992 and on the 9th of May conferred another First Degree, Bro. James P Dickson P.M. R.W.M. presiding.

In December 1992 Bro. George Marshall P.M. , was Installed as R.W.M, for the 3rd time. At his Installation Bro. Ian Bonnett R.W.M. of Lodge Allegiance presented him with a cheque for £500 for any charily of his choice, as a token of their appreciation of him being their Proxy Master and Honorary member. £250 was donated to the Masters Charity and £250 to Cancer Research.

Towards the end of May Masonic history was made when under the auspices of Lodge Kelvin Partick a team of brethren headed by Bro. George Marshall R.W.M. visited Lodges in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and the Bahamas.

During the first week the team exemplified six M.M. degrees, five in New Jersey and one in Philadelphia in one of the finest Masonic Temples in the world. This was the first time in the history of the Grand lodge of Pennsylvania going back to 1730 that a Lodge under the Scottish Constitution had been invited to exemplify a degree according to the Esoteric work of the Grand Lodge of Scotland.

On Saturday the 29th of May 1993 St Alban Swain Lodge No 529 was opened at 1.00pm by their Master Bro. Russell B. Combs when the M.M. Degree was conferred on one of their members, later on about 6.00pm the Lodge was handed over to Bro. George Marshall R.W.M. when the team exemplified the M.M. Degree on the same brother will had been raised earlier on. This was a historic occasion, a brother receiving two M.M. Degrees in the one day.

The following week the team exemplified another M.M. Degree in New Jersey and on the 3rd week travelled to Nassau in the Bahamas when the team conferred a M.M. Degree on a candidate of Lodge St David No.1741 (Scottish Constitution) Bro. Michael Taylor R.W.M. presiding. Again Masonic history was made, this being the first time a Lodge from Scotland had visited the Bahamas and conferred a Degree.

In September the Lodge was invited to Mother Kilwinning No. 0 to confer a 2nd Degree, Bro. Marshall occupied the chair of the Mother Lodge making a record of 11 chairs during his term of office.

In December 1993 Bro. Wm. McLoughlin was Installed Master, and in January 1994 travelled to Canada for the Installation of his cousin. Bro. Wm. McLoughlin (also a member of 1207) where he was Installed Master of his adopted Lodge. St Andrew No 661. St Catherine's Ontario, another record, two Mcloughlin's in the chair of two Lodges in different parts of the world.

From the foregoing it can be seen that the brethren of Lodge Kelvin Partick No 1207 have done their very best to spread the light of Freemasonry in many parts of the world and have encouraged others to come to us and demonstrate how they carry out the ceremonial work in their own particular Province. Long may that continue.

Author - Bro George Marshall P.M.

In 1995 R.W.M. John C.C. Bissett headed a deputation that went to the USA and Canada where they conferred a Degree for the Masonic Kilties of New Jersey.

New Lodge Regalia and a new masters chain was dedicated by Reverend Bro. John Graham, the Provincial Grand Chaplain.
To celebrate the 75th Anniversary of Lodge Kelvin, Jimmy Logan the entertainer was booked for the Harmony. Bro. Roy Scott Substitute Provincial Grand Master was presented 250 Anniversary Jewel by John Bisset.

In May 1995 the Brethren of the Lodge Kelvin had the pleasure of listening to Bro. Brian G Brown Past Provincial Grand Master of Glasgow who gave the brethren a lecture on freemasonry during the war years in a meeting.

R.W.M. John C.C. Bissett made Lodge History in December 1995 by being the first brother to be installed as Master for a second term in a row.

On the 12th September 1996, R.W.M. Bro. John C.C. Bissett welcomed a deputation form the Virginian Craftsmen from the USA

In the Summer of 1996 the brethren of Lodge Kelvin attended a Masonic Parade in Dumfries in honour of the bi centenary of the death of Bro. Robert Burns.

In 1997 R.W.M. Bro. Donald Smith led a deputation to Lodge Troon Navigation No.86.

Bro Thomas Sinclair Junior a member of Lodge of Kelvin was installed into the chair of Lodge Ramon Llul No.9 Palma Majoroca Grand Lodge of Spain.

On the 29th April 1997 special meeting was held for Lodge Allegiance No.1465 from Belgium to conferred a first degree.

Sadly Bro. John Bissett PM passed to the Grand Lodge above on the 10th of November 1997, the brethren of Lodge Kelvin held a Memorial Service for Bro. John Bissett PM

In 1998 R.W.M. Bro. John Henderson led a deputation to America that visited nine Lodges in USA summer 1997 where Lodge Kelvin gave the Grand Lodge of Virginia an oil painted
portrait of Bro. Robert Burns which was then presented to the Allen E Roberts museum. The highlight of the tour was the exemplification of a Master Mason degree in Jackson Lodge in the George Washington Memorial Temple. The Masonic Kilties of New Jersey visited 19th May 1998 and witnessed a first degree conferred by Kelvin.

Bro. Dom Pagliero PM from Lodge Allegiance No.1465 was given honorary membership of the Lodge and was number 2000 on the Lodge roll on 20th October 1998.

In May 1999 R.W.M. Bro. Donald Hogg led a deputation of nine Lodge Kelvin brethren (Honorary Members included) to Newfoundland, Canada. The brethren visited Lodges in Newfoundland including Lodge Twillingate No.2364, Lodge Northcliffe No.1086 where the deputation conferred an Exemplification of the Master Mason degree. After the degree some of our brethren were put a non masonic ritual called the "The Sou Western" which involed wearing yellow raincoats, wellingtons and of course Sou Westers. The deputation witnessed the installation of the master and office bearers of Lodge Carbonear No. 1043. The Deputation also conferred a Master Mason Degree for Lodge St Andrews No. 1139 and Lodge Newfoundland Kilwinning No.1754. The deputation then travelled to St Catherines in Ontario and attended the installation of the master and office bearers of Lodge Adanac No. 614. The deputation then conferred an Exemplification of the Master Mason degree for Lodge St Andew's No.661.

Three brethren passed to the fellowcraft degree by Lodge Allegiance No.1465 and Lodge Wellington No. 1365 from Belgium on the 5th of May 1999.

Bro. Thomson Sinclair Junior was installed as Grand Tyler in the Grand Lodge of Spain on the 7th September 1999.

On the 21st September 1999 a fellow Water Lodge, Lodge Neptune dedicated a newtemple at Clifford Street Glasgow.

Honorary membership was given to Grand Secretary Past Master Bro. Colin Martin McGibbon of Lodge Glasgow Kilwinning No.4 was given on the 18th May 1999.

Certificates of Lodge Service presented to Bro. Fred Alexander and Bro. Andy Wilson.

In 2000 R.W.M. Bro. David N Inglis made many visitations to Lodges on the West Coast of Scotland and built up a good reputation for Lodge Kelvin in Lodge Loch Fyne No.
754 and Lodge Inverary St John No. 50.

Honorary membership was given to Bro. Archie Spy of Lodge Ibrox No.1272 and Bro. John Downie of Lodge St John Whiteinch No.683 on the 17th October 2000.

In 2000 R.W.M. Bro. Ted McLoughlin, was nominated by existing proxy master Bro. George Marshall and was appointed as proxy master of Lodge Allegiance No. 1465.

On the 4th September 2001 R.W.M. Bro Ted McLoughlin gave a short report on his visit to Canada where he visited Lodge St Andrew’s No.661.

Sadly Bro. Fred Alexander passed the Grand Lodge above on the 6th December 2001 as did Bro David Inglis PM on the
21st December 2001.

In 2002 R.W.M. Bro. William Thomson headed a deputation of 26 brethren representing 9 Scottish Lodges visited Lodge Allegiance No.1465 in Brussels for their 50th Anniversary. The RWM of Lodge Allegiance Bro Peter Smith commissioned a set of five jewels to honour their 50th Anniversary. The first of these " the Alpha jewel " was presented to The Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason Bro. Archibald D Orr Ewing and the last, The" Omega" Jewel was presented to Bro Ted Mcloughlin PM. The deputation also visited Lodge Wellington in Antwerp. more information

This was a year for 50th Anniversaries as the Water Lodges Association celebrated their 50th Anniversary in November 2002, this meeting was held in the Temple of the host Lodge Neptune No 419. The meeting was well attended by the other Water Lodges, Lodge Kelvin Partick No.1207, Lodge Clyde No.408 and Lodge Troon Navigation No.86. That night 101 brethren signed the sedern book, the exact same number that had signed the book on the first meeting back in 1951 more information

In December 2002 Past Master Bro. James Pringle Dickson was installed as Master for the third time.

Sadly on the 21st of June 2003 Bro George Marshall PM past to the Grand Lodge above as did honorary members Bro. Dom Pagliero PM on the January 2004 and Bro. George W. Reid PM.

On the 31st October 2003 a special meeting was held at 98 Dumbarton Road for Lodge Fides et a Amor No.27 who conferred a first degree on their own candidate.

Lodge Kelvin were the host Lodge for the 51st meeting of the Water Lodges which was held on the 7th of October 2003.

In December 2003 Past Master Bro. William McLoughlin was installed as Master for the second term.

In November 2004 R.W.M. Bro. William McLoughlin headed a deputation of 41 brethren representing 9 Scottish Lodges to Belgium. Although this impressive deputation stayed in Ghent they visited Lodge Wellington No.1365 in Antwerp, where brethren put a candidate through his first degree. The brethren also visited Lodge Fides et a Amor in Ghent No. 27 where they witnessed a fellowcraft degree in Flemish.

Earlier in the year 2004 a Memorial Service was held for late Bro. George Marshall which was attended by The Reverend Bro. Bill Ferguson. George’s grandson Bro. George Marshall Hanlon W.S.W. gave a brief introduction and a report extracted from his grandfathers memoirs on how his grandfather had joined the craft and the subsequent work he had published and manufactured for craft. Bro Hepburn Gibb PM of Lodge Clyde No.408 a very good friend of George’s discussed the masonic trips himself and George had made to Canada, USA and Belgium. Bro. Donald Hogg PM also gave an account of a 1999 trip to Canada. Bro Robert Geddes PM from Lodge St John Whiteinch No.683 gave an account of George’s founding involvement in the Western District Lodges Association.

In May 2004 a special meeting was held for a large deputation from the Travelling Craftsmen of Virginia who exemplified a third degree on their own candidate to a packed hall. The harmony for the night took the format of a Burns Supper.

Honorary membership was given to Bro. James Baker and Bro. Jack McCabe both Past Masters of Partick St Mary’s No.117

In December 2004 Past Master Bro. George Marshall’s Grandson, Bro. George Mashall Hanlon was installed in the chair.

Bro. Ted McLoughlin PM took over as secretary of the Western District Lodges Association on February 2005

A book of masonic poems and songs that had been collected and compiled by the late Bro George Marshall PM has been published to raise money for the 50th Anniversary of the Western District Lodges Assocation in 2006. The publication also contained very interesting information about masonic ritual.

To celebrate the 85th Anniversary of Lodge Kelvin the history of the Lodge was updated by R.W.M. Bro. George M. Hanlon , with the help of the past masters concerned and our Secretary Bro Duncan McKenzie PM.

2008 Ardery Street masonic halls were destroyed by fire on Friday 23rd January 2008. The building has been rebuilt and was operational in September 2010. Pictures of the fire. Pictures of the fire 1 2 3 4 5 Pictures of reconstruction A B C D

Please e-mail any correction of further information or reports to george@kelvinpartick.co.uk

Authors 1994 - present day - Bro George Marshall Hanlon P.M. with the help of the Masters concerned and our Secretary Bro. Duncan McKenzie PM


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1921 1939 1942 1945 1947 1952 1956 1957 1958 1960 1962 1963 1964 1969 1980
1985 1986 1987 1988 1992 1993
1994 1995
1996 1997
1998 1999
2000 2001
2002 2003
2004 2005

Belgium Lodges
Belgium 2002
Belgium 2004

USA 1 2 3 4
2 3 4 5 6

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